For each kernel, there is 256 threads in a block and 5 blocks in a grid. nvprof Command-line profiler Current command-line profiler still available Profiling Session NVIDIA Visual Profiler Timeline GPU/CPU Timeline CPU Timeline CUDA API Invocations GPU Timeline Device Activity Measuring Time Measure time with horizontal rulers. You can see none operations in streams are overlapped. I attached the timeline of processing 10 tasks. The problem is that operations in different streams are not overlapping.

INTRODUCTION In recent years, developers have introduced several programming models to simplify accelerator programming [Thies et al. The main pipeline logic is in the following. Employing software-managed caches in OpenACC: Opportunities and benefits. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.3.3 : Language Constructs and Features General Terms: Design, Algorithms, Performance Additional Key Words and Phrases: Accelerator, OpenACC, software-managed cache, CUDA ACM Reference Format: Ahmad Lashgar and Amirali Baniasadi. Investigating several benchmarks, we show that the proposed directive can improve performance up to 2.54×, and at the cost of minor programming effort. To this end, we propose a new directive and communication model for OpenACC. We build on our findings and discuss the opportunity to exploit a software-managed cache as (i) a fast communication medium and (ii) a cache for data reuse.

In this article, we investigate the main limitations faced by OpenACC in harnessing all capabilities of GPU-like accelerators. Employing Software-Managed Caches in OpenACC: Opportunities and Benefits Employing Software-Managed Caches in OpenACC: Opportunities and BenefitsĮmploying Software-Managed Caches in OpenACC: Opportunities and Benefits AHMAD LASHGAR and AMIRALI BANIASADI, University of Victoria The OpenACC programming model has been developed to simplify accelerator programming and improve development productivity.